【桃園鐵玫瑰大事紀】Great Events in the Taoyuan Iron Rose Activity
★101年|由桃園展演中心開始舉辦「桃園鐵玫瑰熱音賞」。 In 2012, the Taoyuan Exhibition Center began to hold the "Taoyuan Iron Rose Music Competition".
★103年|從最初的「桃園鐵玫瑰熱音賞」樂團大賽加入「高校熱音賞」。 In 103, the "colleges music appreciation" added in the original "Taoyuan Iron Rose Music Competition" music competition.
★104年|創立鐵玫瑰「音樂學院」、舉辦「音樂展」,並新增鐵玫瑰「音樂節」活動。 In 2015, the "school of music" of iron rose was found, the "music Exhibition" was held and the "Music Festival" of iron rose joined the event.
★105年|新增「搖滾繞境」演唱會,將搖滾樂帶到桃園各地。 In 2016, the"Rock Around " concert was added, bringing rock music to all parts of Taoyuan.
★106年|鐵玫瑰音樂節再次擴大辦理,於北桃園(展演中心)、南桃園(高鐵站前廣場)各舉辦1場演唱會,並以音樂曲風作為區分,讓民眾能藉由活動認識臺灣多元豐富的流行音樂創作能量。 In 2017, the iron Rose Music Festival expanded again, with one concert in North Taoyuan (Exhibition Center) and one concert in SouthTaoyuan (square in front of the high-speed railway station) based on the music styles, so that the public can learn about Taiwan's diverse and rich pop music creation through the activities.
★107年|增加了六場小型售票演出,培養民眾的音樂消費習慣,以促進音樂產業永續發展。 In 2018, 6 small ticket shows were added to cultivate people's music consumption habits, so as to promote the sustainable development of the music industry.
★108年|再創巔峰,除了各項系列活動外,今年起轉型升級擴大辦理《鐵桃園玫瑰國際音樂節》,邀請國外音樂節(祭)創辦人、策展人至來台擔任大師講堂講師、樂團大賽決賽評審、並推薦樂團大賽優勝團隊赴海外音樂節演出,展現臺灣流行音樂多元樣貌;同步也引薦國外知名樂團至鐵玫瑰音樂節交流開唱,提升鐵玫瑰音樂品牌形象知名度與國際視野,透過臺灣音樂與國際音樂潮流交流接軌。 This event hit a peak in 2019, in addition to the series of activities, it was transformed and upgraded in that year in holding the Taoyuan Ironrose international music festival ", invited foreign festivals founder and curators to Taiwan as lecturers, and for the evaluation of bands final. And it also recommend winning bands of the final contest to go to overseas festivals, showing the worls the diversified appearance of Taiwanese pop music ; At the same time, it also introduced foreign famous bands to the Iron Rose Music Festival for exchange and performance, so as to enhance the brand image of Iron Rose Music and impeove the international perspective through the exchange of Taiwan music and international music trend.
★109年|因疫情暫停一次。 In 2020, it was suspended once due to the pandemic. ★110年|將分成2活動辦理:「桃園鐵玫瑰熱音賞」、「桃園鐵玫瑰音樂節」。「2021桃園鐵玫瑰熱音賞」升級擴大,賽制不限國籍、曲風、人數,分校園組及社會組,更首度為入選團隊打造完整系統化培訓課程,總獎金高達150萬元,各組前三名將可錄製單曲,期能發掘並培育更多優秀樂壇新秀,達到鼓勵臺灣多元創作及提升音樂素質之目的。 In 2021, it will be divided into two activities: "Taoyuan Iron Rose Music Competition" and "Taoyuan Ironrose Music Festival". "Taoyuan Iron Rose Music Competition" will be upgraded and expanded. The competition system is not limited to nationality, style and number of people. It is divided into campus group and social group. And it is the first time for this event to establish a complete and systematic training course for the selected teams. The total bonus is as high as NT$1.5 million. The top three in each group will have the chance to record their single songs, so as to explore and cultivate more outstanding music talents, and achieve the purpose of encouraging Taiwan's diversified creation and improving music quality.
★111年|因為國際疫情影響,本屆「桃園鐵玫瑰熱音賞」更著重在台灣本土音樂人才發掘與培訓,期待疫情過後,能與國際音樂活動交流。 In 2022,"Taoyuan Ironrose Music Competition" is mainly focus on the discovery and training of new local talents in Taiwan, and also looking forward to communicate in international music events after the pandemic situation. !